Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does delivery take? 

Abuja (Local): Same day within 2-7 hours after placing your order for orders placed before 4pm daily (Except Sunday) Next day for orders placed after 4pm 

Nationwide: Within 2-5 Working days

International: Within 4-7 Working days

How much does delivery cost? 

Please see applicable costs at checkout. Delivery cost is displayed at checkout (Kindly ensure you input the right/exact address at checkout)

Local (within Abuja) delivery is charged based on destination 

Nationwide & International deliveries are charged based on weight & destination (Kindly confirm delivery prices at checkout on our website)

Where is your store located? 

The Aphro Beauty is currently an online store hence we don’t have a physical store/pick up location. Orders are placed on our Website, WhatsApp or Instagram Direct Message are delivered only. 

Can I get a refund or Exchange? 

No. Refunds & Exchange cannot be processed on item(s) that have been received or used due to the nature of beauty products. However, if you receive your order broken, damaged or in faulty condition, please contact us immediately. 

How do I place an order?

Via our website. (Add as many items as you desire to cart & checkout putting your desired shipping details selecting your preferred payment method)

Do you accept cash on delivery?

No! Except in special circumstances

Do you stock only African Beauty Brands?

YES & proudly so! The Aphro Beauty is a retail store for only African Beauty Brands. 

Can I pick up? 

No. The Aphro Beauty is an online store & we don't have a physical location. Hence, the option of pick ups & walk-in is not available. Delivery is currently the only option.